The "Place the States" game has generated some fun conversation over IM and twitter, so I figured I had to blog it.
First up is Michigan, which is no help, since the Great Lakes frame the surrounding states quite nicely. Next is Missouri, which is a nemesis of mine. I can see Missouri in my mind, but my actual placement is 162 miles off. Which is not much on the map considering, but it really blows out my average.
Texas, Oregon, Virginia, Missippi, Hawaii, Iowa, North Carolina, Alaska, Illinois and Alabama are all guided by the coastline or directly neighboring states. Kansas, Arizona and Pennsylvania all fall into place nicely. Then I'm faced with South Dakota:
Major brain fart on my part. I'm not sure what I was thinking, except that "South Dakota isn't that far East, is it?"
Maine, South Carolina, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Idaho, Connecticut, North Dakota, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Ohio. No sweat. I drop Wyoming slightly off-kilter, simple laziness on my part:
At this point, there's not much suspense except in which order the states arrive: Washington, Nebraska, Maryland, Delaware, Minnesota, Florida, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, New Jersey, Tennessee, Nevada, California, New York, Indiana, Vermont, Rhode Island, Utah, Colorado, Utah, West Virginia, and Kentucky. Final score: 47/50, with an average error of 12 miles.
I think they could have furthered the fun/humiliation had they cleared the placement of completed states. As a next challenge, it would be fun to overlay major bodies of water or mountain ranges or the birthplaces of famous hip hop artists.
-- Natalie
94%, Avg Error: 14 miles, Time: 295 seconds, Troll Level: Medium-High
Posted by: nataliepo | October 07, 2012 at 01:31 PM