HOLY CRAP. Just look at this chart talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/2012/… #GOPneardeathexperience
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) January 20, 2012
After following @joshtpm's HOLY CRAP link (I never gave up on Newt, for the record) my eyes were drawn (as always) to the permalink. What I saw was thrilling: holy_crap_8.php. Of course this led to me wonder - what happened to holy_crap_1 to holy_crap_7? I had the tools to find out.
Please allow me to share with you a playlist of TPM's "holy crap" links.
- November 20, 2008 - Waxman ousts Dingell on Energy & Commerce. I'm surprised this isn't much earlier, but there you go.
- holy_crap_2.php - lost to the ages. Perhaps it was a TPM Cafe post?
- January 6, 2010 - Chris Dodd announces his retirement from Congress.
- February 15, 2010 - Evan Bayh announces his retirement from Congress.
- June 1, 2010 - Al and Tipper Gore are separating. I have to admit I forgot about this, and it made me a little sad again.
- October 4, 2011 - Cain takes the lead in several state polls. In hindsight, Cain's run was less incredible considering how crazy the rest of the reds have gone.
- December 2, 2011 - Cain launches “Women for Cain” in response to accusations of harassment & womanizing. This seems no less incredible than it did then.
- January 20, 2012 - Newt's (un)favorability.
Friend of Hello, TypePad Anil offers a playlist of Barack's Greatest Hits:
BREAKING: Friend of Hello, TypePad Al suggests an index of bamboozles and mentums is in order.
I love you.
Posted by: jessamyn | January 20, 2012 at 03:02 PM
I love you too!
Posted by: David Jacobs | January 20, 2012 at 03:04 PM